Source code for

"""Wrapper of SqlAlchemy code used for reading from and writing to databases"""
from __future__ import division, print_function

import datetime

from sqlalchemy import (
    create_engine, MetaData, Table, Column,
    insert as generic_insert,
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert as mysql_insert
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert as postgres_insert
from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy_utils import database_exists, create_database

from beam_nuggets.compat import iteritems

[docs]class SourceConfiguration(object): """Holds parameters for accessing a database. User to pass database access parameters to :class:``. ``SourceConfiguration.url`` provides the database url used by SqlAlchemy to connect to the database. Args: drivername (str): name of the database backend. It specifies the target database type and the driver (DBAPI) used by SqlAlchemy to communicate with database. The following drivernames are supported by and tested on beam-nuggets: - postgresql+pg8000: for PostgreSQL (pg8000 is the DB driver). - mysql+pymysql: for MySQL. - sqlite: for SQLite. Additional drivers can be used after installing their corresponding python libraries. Refer to `SqlAlchemy dialects`_ for more information on the supported databases and the corresponding drivers. host (str): database host name or IP. port (int): database port number. database (str): database name. username (str): database username. password (str): database password. create_if_missing (bool): If set to True, it instructs to create a missing database before writing to it. Examples: MySQL database :: from import relational_db src_cnf = relational_db.SourceConfiguration( drivername='mysql+pymysql', host='localhost', port=37311, username='root', database='test', create_if_missing=True, ) print(src_cnf.url) # mysql+pymysql://root@localhost:37311/test PostgreSQL database :: from import relational_db src_cnf = relational_db.SourceConfiguration( drivername='postgresql', host='localhost', port=42139, username='postgres', password='pass', database='test' ) print(src_cnf.url) # postgresql://postgres:pass@localhost:42139/test SQLite database :: from import relational_db src_cnf = relational_db.SourceConfiguration( drivername='sqlite', database='/tmp/test_db.sqlite' ) print(src_cnf.url) # sqlite:////tmp/test_db.sqlite .. _SqlAlchemy dialects: """ def __init__( self, drivername, host=None, port=None, database=None, username=None, password=None, create_if_missing=False, ): self.url = URL( drivername=drivername, username=username, password=password, host=host, port=port, database=database ) self.create_if_missing = create_if_missing
[docs]class TableConfiguration(object): """Holds parameters for a database table. Used to pass table parameters to :class:`SqlAlchemyDB`. Args: name (str): the table name. create_insert_f (function): a function that takes as input an SqlAlchemy table and a row record, and returns an statement for inserting the record into the table. The function doesn't execute the insert statement. If not specified, the following default implementations are used: - :func:`create_upsert_mysql` for MySQL tables. - :func:`create_upsert_postgres` for PostgreSQL tables. - :func:`create_insert` for other databases. As a mechanism to recover from failures, beam runners will attempt to apply a transform multiple times on the same data; because of that it is recommended to implement idempotent writes (e.g. :func:`create_upsert_mysql` and :func:`create_upsert_postgres`) to avoid data inconsistency issues arising from this beam behavior. The function has the following signature: (``sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Table``, ``dict``) -> ``sqlalchemy.sql.dml.Insert``. create_if_missing (bool): if set to True and the table is missing :class:`SqlAlchemyDB` will create the table. See below notes on new table creation. See below note how this is used when creating new tables. primary_key_columns (list): list of column names to be used as primary key (if multiple columns are specified, a composite key is created), when creating the table. See below notes on new table creation. define_table_f (function): A function for defining an SqlAlchemy table (the function doesn't create the table); the definition is used when creating the table. The function has the following signature: (``Sqlalchemy.Metadata``) -> ``sqlalchemy.Table``. See below notes on how this is used when creating missing tables. See this `define table tutorial`_ for how to implement the function. Notes: When attempting to write to a missing database table, :class:`SqlAlchemyDB` will handle the situation based on the values ``create_if_missing``, ``primary_key_columns`` and ``define_table_f`` of the passed :class:`TableConfiguration`, as follows: - If the table is missing and ``create_if_missing`` is set to False (default), :class:`SqlAlchemyDB` will raise an exception. - Only when the target table is missing and ``create_if_missing`` is set to True, table creation is attempted. This is the assumed state for all the following cases. - If ``define_table_f`` is specified, a new table will be created using the table definition returned by ``define_table_f``, irrespective of ``primary_key_columns``. - If ``primary_key_columns`` is specified and ``define_table_f`` is None, a new table will be created using the columns specified in ``primary_key_columns`` as the primary key. The full column list and their types are inferred automatically using the first record to be written. See :func:`infer_db_type` for information on the how the database column types are inferred from the python types. If ``primary_key_columns`` is also None, an auto_increment Integer column will be created and used as primary key this is done as some databases require a primary key to be specified when creating tables. Examples: A configuration for creating the table if missing using the specified columns to create the primary key. :: from import relational_db table_config = relational_db.TableConfiguration( name='students', create_if_missing=True, primary_key_columns=['id'] ) A configuration for creating the table if missing using the specified definition. :: from sqlalchemy import Table, Integer, String, Column from import relational_db table_name = 'students' def define_students_table(metadata): return Table( table_name, metadata, Column(ID, Integer, primary_key=True), Column(NAME, String(100)), Column(AGE, Integer) ) table_config = relational_db.TableConfiguration( name=table_name, create_if_missing=True, define_table_f=define_students_table ) .. _define table tutorial: -create-tables """ def __init__( self, name, define_table_f=None, create_if_missing=False, primary_key_columns=None, create_insert_f=None ): = name self.define_table_f = define_table_f self.create_table_if_missing = create_if_missing self.primary_key_column_names = primary_key_columns or [] self.create_insert_f = create_insert_f
[docs]class SqlAlchemyDB(object): """Provides functionality to read and write from and to relational DBs. It uses SqlAlchemy. Args: source_config (SourceConfiguration): Information for accessing the target database. """ def __init__(self, source_config): self._source = source_config self._SessionClass = sessionmaker(bind=create_engine(self._source.url)) self._session = None # will be set in self.start_session() self._name_to_table = {} # tables metadata cache
[docs] def start_session(self): create_if_missing = self._source.create_if_missing is_database_missing = lambda: not database_exists(self._source.url) if create_if_missing and is_database_missing(): create_database(self._source.url) self._session = self._SessionClass()
[docs] def close_session(self): self._session.close() self._session.bind.dispose() self._session = None
[docs] def read(self, table_name): table = self._open_table_for_read(table_name) for record in table.records(self._session): yield record
[docs] def query(self, table_name, query): table = self._open_table_for_read(table_name) for record in table.query_records(self._session, query): yield record
[docs] def write_record(self, table_config, record_dict): """Writes a single record to the specified table. Args: table_config (TableConfiguration): specifies the target table, how data should inserted and how to create it if it was missing. See :class:`TableConfiguration` notes on table creation. record_dict (dict): the record to be written """ table = self._open_table_for_write(table_config, record_dict) table.write_record( session=self._session, create_insert_f=self._get_create_insert_f(table_config), record_dict=record_dict )
def _get_create_insert_f(self, table_config): create_insert_f = table_config.create_insert_f if not create_insert_f: if 'postgresql' in self._source.url.drivername: create_insert_f = create_upsert_postgres elif 'mysql' in self._source.url.drivername: create_insert_f = create_upsert_mysql else: create_insert_f = create_insert return create_insert_f def _open_table_for_read(self, name): return self._open_table( name=name, get_table_f=load_table ) def _open_table_for_write(self, table_config, record): return self._open_table(, get_table_f=create_table, table_config=table_config, record=record ) def _open_table(self, name, get_table_f, **get_table_f_params): table = self._name_to_table.get(name, None) if not table: self._name_to_table[name] = ( self._get_table(name, get_table_f, **get_table_f_params) ) table = self._name_to_table[name] return table def _get_table(self, name, get_table_f, **get_table_f_params): table_class = get_table_f(self._session, name, **get_table_f_params) if table_class: table = _Table(table_class=table_class, name=name) else: raise SqlAlchemyDbException('Failed to get table {}'.format(name)) return table
[docs]class SqlAlchemyDbException(Exception): pass
class _Table(object): def __init__(self, table_class, name): self._Class = table_class self._sqlalchemy_table = table_class.__table__ = name self._column_names = get_column_names_from_table(table_class) def records(self, session): for record in session.query(self._Class): yield self._from_db_record(record) def query_records(self, session, query): column_names = session.execute(query).keys() for record in session.execute(query): yield self._from_db_record(record, column_names) def write_record(self, session, create_insert_f, record_dict): try: insert_stmt = create_insert_f( table=self._sqlalchemy_table, record=record_dict ) session.execute(insert_stmt) session.commit() except: session.rollback() session.close() session.bind.dispose() raise def _to_db_record(self, record_dict): return self._Class(**record_dict) def _from_db_record(self, db_record, column_names=None): column_names = column_names or self._column_names return {col: getattr(db_record, col) for col in column_names}
[docs]def load_table(session, name): table_class = None engine = session.bind if inspect(engine).has_table(name): metadata = MetaData(bind=engine) table_class = create_table_class(Table(name, metadata, autoload=True)) return table_class
[docs]def create_table(session, name, table_config, record): # Attempt to load from the DB table_class = load_table(session, name) if not table_class and table_config.create_table_if_missing: define_table_f = ( table_config.define_table_f or _get_default_define_f( record=record, name=name, primary_key_column_names=table_config.primary_key_column_names, drivername=session.bind.url.drivername, ) ) metadata = MetaData(bind=session.bind) sqlalchemy_table = define_table_f(metadata) try: metadata.create_all() table_class = create_table_class(sqlalchemy_table) session.flush() except Exception as e: table_class = load_table(session, name) if table_class: # If another worker has already created the table, get ready # for more transactions and carry on session.rollback() else: # Otherwise, raise the exception raise e return table_class
[docs]def create_table_class(sqlalchemy_table): class TableClass(declarative_base()): __table__ = sqlalchemy_table return TableClass
def _get_default_define_f(record, name, primary_key_column_names, drivername): def define_table(metadata): """Defines an SqlAlchemy database table and adds it to the specified metadata object. Args: metadata (sqlalchemy.Metadata): database metadata. Returns: sqlalchemy.Table: A database table added to the passed metadata. """ columns = _columns_from_sample_record( record=record, primary_key_column_names=primary_key_column_names, drivername=drivername ) return Table(name, metadata, *columns) return define_table def _columns_from_sample_record(record, primary_key_column_names, drivername): if len(primary_key_column_names) > 0: primary_key_columns = [ Column( col, infer_db_type(record[col], drivername), primary_key=True ) for col in primary_key_column_names ] other_columns = [ Column(col, infer_db_type(value, drivername)) for col, value in iteritems(record) if col not in primary_key_column_names ] else: pri_col_name = 'id' while pri_col_name in record.keys(): pri_col_name += '_' primary_key_columns = [Column(pri_col_name, Integer, primary_key=True)] other_columns = [ Column(col, infer_db_type(value, drivername)) for col, value in iteritems(record) ] return primary_key_columns + other_columns
[docs]def create_insert(table, record): """Creates a statement for inserting the passed record to the passed table. The created statement is not executed by this function. For information on creating insert and update statements Refer to these SqlAlchemy `documentation`_ and `tutorial`_. Args: table (sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Table): database table metadata. record (dict): a data record, corresponding to one row, to be inserted. Returns: sqlalchemy.sql.dml.Insert: a statement for inserting the passed record to the specified table. .. _documentation: .. _tutorial: """ return generic_insert(table).values(record)
[docs]def create_upsert_postgres(table, record): """Creates a statement for inserting the passed record to the passed table; if the record already exists, the existing record will be updated. This uses PostgreSQL `on_conflict_do_update` (hence upsert), and that why the returned statement is just valid for PostgreSQL tables. Refer to this `SqlAlchemy PostgreSQL documentation`_ for more information. The created statement is not executed by this function. Args: table (sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Table): database table metadata. record (dict): a data record, corresponding to one row, to be inserted. Returns: sqlalchemy.sql.dml.Insert: a statement for inserting the passed record to the specified table. .. _SqlAlchemy PostgreSQL documentation: """ insert_stmt = postgres_insert(table).values(record) return insert_stmt.on_conflict_do_update( index_elements=[col for col in table.primary_key], set_=record )
[docs]def create_upsert_mysql(table, record): """Creates a statement for inserting the passed record to the passed table; if the record already exists, the existing record will be updated. This uses MySQL `on_duplicate_key_update` (hence upsert), and that why the returned statement is valid only for MySQL tables. Refer to this `SqlAlchemy MySQL documentation`_ for more information. The created statement is not executed by this function. Args: table (sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Table): database table metadata. record (dict): a data record, corresponding to one row, to be inserted. Returns: sqlalchemy.sql.dml.Insert: a statement for inserting the passed record to the specified table. .. _SqlAlchemy MySQL documentation: """ insert_stmt = mysql_insert(table).values(record) return insert_stmt.on_duplicate_key_update(**record)
# passing dict, i.e. ...update(record), isn't working
[docs]def get_column_names_from_table(table_class): return [ for col in table_class.__table__.columns]
[docs]def infer_db_type(val, drivername): """Infer a database column type for storing values of the same type as the passed variable val in a database identified by drivername. Column types are inferred based on the following mapping: +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Python type | Column type | +=======================+========================================================================================================+ | ``bool`` | ``Boolean`` | +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``<number>`` | ``Float`` (All python numbers are mapped to Float columns) | +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``datetime.datetime`` | ``DateTime`` | +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ```` | ``Date`` | +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``<default>`` | ``String`` for PostgreSQL and SQLite and String(:const:`VARCHAR_DEFAULT_COL_SIZE`) for other databases | +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Args: val (object): value used to infer the database column type. drivername: specifies the database type and driver used for connecting to the database (the driver information isn't used to infer the column type). Returns: object: one of sqlalchemy column types. """ for is_type_f, db_type in PYTHON_TO_DB_TYPE: if is_type_f(val): return db_type return ( String if _does_support_varchar(drivername) else String(VARCHAR_DEFAULT_COL_SIZE) # It seems only PostgreSQL and SQLite support String columns with # not specified length. )
VARCHAR_DEFAULT_COL_SIZE = 50 def _does_support_varchar(drivername): return 'postgresql' in drivername or 'sqlite' in drivername def _is_number(x): try: _ = x + 1 except: return False return not hasattr(x, '__len__') PYTHON_TO_DB_TYPE = [ # Order matters! (lambda x: isinstance(x, bool), Boolean), (_is_number, Float), (lambda x: isinstance(x, datetime.datetime), DateTime), (lambda x: isinstance(x,, Date), ]